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Open Data

insert desc about open data here!

Team Wakati
An app prototype for helping people in need find useful community resources


Gov Partners

Community Partners
Community Link Capitol Region, CSU Sacramento

Project Contact
Jesse Rosato



As part of their upper-division coursework, a team of students from Sac State will build a mobile app prototype to help local Sacramentans find community services, with scalability in mind. Community Link Capitol Region – experts in local resource data – has agreed to advise on an ad hoc basis and maybe more as the project grows! The application’s source code will be published publically by Code4Sac on GitHub upon completion.

Get involved

View the code: tbd

Read the discussions: tbd

Current project needs:

tbd at stakeholder meeting

This project was last updated on 9 Apr 2014

Portal Utilities
insert Jays great pitch hear


Gov Partners

Community Partners

Project Contact
Jay Venti



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Get involved

View the code: http://www.github.com/code4sac/code4sac.github.io

Read the discussions: http://groups.google.com

Current project needs:

ask jay?

This project was last updated on 9 Apr 2014