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Climate Change

insert desc about climate change here!

Climate Action Plan
350 Sacramento (a local community organization) wants to inspire productive and inclusive discussion about climate change.


Gov Partners

Community Partners
350 Sacramento

Project Contact
Joel Riphagen



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Get involved

View the code: http://www.github.com/code4sac/code4sac.github.io

Read the discussions: http://groups.google.com

Current project needs:

This project was last updated on 9 Apr 2014

Town Hall Meeting on Climate Change
Code4Sac volunteers will contribute their mind-mapping and digital collaboration skills at a local community event on May 17, 2014. Join us!


Gov Partners

Community Partners
350 Sacramento

Project Contact
Hailey Pate



350 Sacramento is hosting a full-day event on Saturday, May 17, 2014 designed to “Up the Game” on addressing climate change in the Sacramento area. Code4Sac volunteers are cooking up a plan to support their work with interactive art boards and idea management. Stay tuned for more details!

Get involved

View the code: tba

Read the discussions: tba

Current project needs:

artists, visual storytellers, social media gurus

This project was last updated on 15 Apr 2014