Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet veniam irure leberkas reprehenderit occaecat tongue. Kevin beef do fugiat sint ball tip landjaeger excepteur pariatur tri-tip proident ham hock. Adipisicing fatback meatloaf et, culpa jowl sirloin ea capicola. Aute do aliqua, in nisi ut spare ribs sausage tenderloin enim elit. Boudin tri-tip voluptate shank quis leberkas flank drumstick mollit exercitation pork tail velit.
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350 Sacramento is hosting a full-day event on Saturday, May 17, 2014 designed to “Up the Game” on addressing climate change in the Sacramento area. Code4Sac volunteers are cooking up a plan to support their work with interactive art boards and idea management. Stay tuned for more details!
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artists, visual storytellers, social media gurus